Pagan Night In

Happy Valley Golden Wheel is a growing organization based out of State College looking for people interested in making and attending community celebrations of Pagan holidays. If you want to get involved, the Pagan's Night In (PNI) is a perfect low key event to start with.  Connect online to practice social distancing, grab a beverage if you'd like, and get to know fellow pagans in the area (and friends from out of town).  Temporary replacement of the Pagan Night Out.

From April 15, 2020 until June 9, 2021, PNI was scheduled for every Wednesday, 7-9pm.  Starting with July 7, 2021, PNI will be monthly on the first Wednesday of the month to make room for the return of Pagan Night Out on the third Wednesday of the month.

For most weeks, we will meet (login and launch links):

But check back here each week in case we use a different room (sometimes we do).

See it on our Calendar.

[previously on Google Hangouts during the PNIs of April 2020]