Old News
On this page shall be listed old news that has past and was removed from the home page.
As listed by reverse chronology (with entries since 2022)
2024.12.03 The Bronze Ring: Underworld Deities, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Websters Bookstore and Cafe.
2024.12.06 Yuletide Movie Night 7-9pm Location upon request sent to happyvalleygoldenwheel@gmail.com
2024.12.10 Keys of Magic: The Sephirah Netzach, 7:30-9pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe [ Note: flipped date with A*A this month ]
2024.12.14 The Winter Solstice Smorgasbord! Please see Yule 2024 for details and how to RSVP.
2024.12.17 Astrologers Anonymous: Venus, 7:30-9 p.m. at Websters Bookstore and Cafe [ Note: flipped date with KoM this month ]
2024.12.18 Pagan Night Out: Marzoni’s Brick Oven & Brewing Co. 1215 N Atherton St, State College, PA 16803, 7-9pm
2024.10.1 Tu: The Bronze Ring 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Websters Bookstore and Cafe. Working with the Ancestors
2024.10.5 Sa: Bardic Circle at Rhoneymeade Arboretum and Sculpture Garden 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. at the Sand Circle. Our last Bardic Circle of 2024, the theme will be A Circle for the Beloved Dead - please bring a photo of a deceased loved one for a small Dumb Supper ceremony if you wish to participate.
2024.10.8 Tu: Astrologers Anonymous, 7:30-9pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe - Our series on the Planets continues with the Moon.
2024.10.15 Tu: Keys of Magic:The Sephirah Geburah 7:30-9pm: at Websters Bookstore and Cafe.
2024.10.16 We: Pagan Night Out: India Pavilion, 222 E Calder Way, State College.
2024.10.19 Sa: Samhain Celebration: Tea Time with Baba Yaga. More details here.
2024.9.21 Sa: Mabon: Welcoming in Autumn 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., location given on RSVP.
2024.09.18 Pagan Night Out: Champs Downtown, 139 S Allen St, Snap Custom Pizza, 132 W College Ave, State College, PA 16801; Mixer with Penn State Silver Circle
2024.09.17 Keys of Magic 7:30-9pm: Chesed at Websters Bookstore and Cafe
2024.09.13 Bountiful Beats Bardic Circle at Rhoneymeade Arboretum and Sculpture Garden
2024.09.10 A*A, 7:30-9pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe - New class series on the planets, start with the Sun
2024.9.3 Tu: The Bronze Ring 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Websters Bookstore and Cafe. NEW SERIES BEGINS which explores basic techniques of practical magic. Lesson 1 of ON THE ALTAR - The Altar Cloth: Magical Uses of Color
2024.8.24 Sa: August Bardic Circle, 7-11pm, at Rhoneymeade Arboretum and Sculpture Park. Theme: Fall Pre-Game
2024.8.21 We: Pagan's Night Out - Gigi's Southern Table. Please RSVP by 12:00 p.m. on 8/21.
2024.8.20 Tu: The Keys of Magic - The Sephirah Binah at Websters Bookstore and Cafe
2024.8.13 Tu: Astrologers Anonymous - Pisces at Websters Bookstore and Cafe
2024.8.10 Sa: Lammas on the Beach 11:30 - 4:00 pm Whipple Dam State Park
2024.8.6. Tu: Bronze Ring Class 9 - American Idols Make-and-Take at Websters Bookstore and Cafe
2024.07.06 Sa: HVGW planned to hold a table at Celtic Fest, 12-6pm, at Boal Mansion cancelled due to illness
2024.06.29 Sa: Midsummer Faerie High Tea 8:30 - 10:00 at Rhoneymeade. Free after 8pm.
2024.06.29 Sa: Midsummer Drum Fest 6:00 - 8:00 pm at Rhoneymeade. Tickets $10, please see page to purchase.
2024.06.27 Th: Shamanic Journey Drum Circle 6:30 - 8:30 pm, at Huntingdon Health and Wellness; HVGW is organizing a ride board to attend
2024.06.19 We: PNO, 7-9pm, Location: Little Szechuan
2024.06.18 Tu: Keys of Magic, 7:30-9pm, Websters, Topic: Chokmah
2024.06.11 Tu: Astrologers Anonymous, 7:30-9pm, Websters, Topic: Aquarius
2024.06.08 Sa: Pride Bardic Circle 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. at Rhoneymeade
2024.06.04 Tu: Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, at Websters, Topic: House Spirits
2024.05.21. Tu: Keys of Magic, 7:30-9pm, Websters, Kether
2024.05.17. F: Fellowship Gathering: Movie Night, 7:30-11:30pm, RSVP; Featuring "Everything Everywhere All at Once"
2024.05.15. W: PNO, 7-9pm, Location: Robin Hood Brewery, Bellefonte
2024.05.14. Tu: Astrologers Anonymous, Capricorn, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.05.11. Sa, Beltane: Saltare Planetarum, 7-11pm, Rhoneymeade, RSVP
2024.05.07. Tu, Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.04.26. F: Fellowship Gathering: Movie Night, 7-11pm, RSVP; Featuring the first few episodes of a series called "The Changing of the Gods"
2024.04.21. Su: Public Board Meeting & Officer Elections, 2-4pm, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Room 104
2024.04.17. W: PNO, 7-9pm, Kimchi Korean Restaurant; please RSVP before noon day of via above Contact E-Mail for proper head count
2024.04.16. Tu: Keys of Magic, Patterns on the Tree of Life, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.04.13. Sa: Hindu Puja: Sri Srinivasa Kalyanotsavam, 11-2pm, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
2024.04.09. Tu: Astrologers Anonymous, Sagittarius, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.04.06. Sa: Sand Circle Build. 12-5pm, Rhoneymeade, RSVP via Facebook or email the above Contact E-Mail
2024.04.02. Tu: Bronze Ring, Cleansing & Protection Practicum, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.03.30 Sa: Fellowship Gathering: "The Unbinding" Screening & Discussion, 7-11pm, RSVP
2024.03.23 Sa: Ostara: Egg-cellent Beginnings, 1-6pm, Rhoneymeade, RSVP
2024.03.20 W, PNO, 7-9pm, Happy Valley Brewery Company
2024.03.19 Tu, Keys of Magic, History of Kabbalah, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.03.12 Tu, Astrologers Anonymous, Scorpio, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.03.05 Tu, Bronze Ring was postponed to April
2024.02.21 W PNO: postponed to March
2024.02.20 Tu Keys of Magic, Intro to Qabalah, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.02.13 Tu, Astrologers Anonymous, Libra, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.02.07 W, PNI, 7-9pm, online
2024.02.06 Tu Bronze Ring, Conversation on Ethics in Magik, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2024.01 We took off this month.
2023.12.20 W PNO: Green Bowl 7-9pm
2023.12.19 Tu Keys of Magic: The World, 7:30-9pm, Websters
NOTE: Websters will close for business at 7pm this week for the University semester break, and we will hold class this week in the seating area near the stage.
2023.12.15 F Movie Night: Krampus, 7-11pm, RSVP for location
2023.12.12 Tu A*A (Astrologers Anonymous): Virgo, 7:30-9pm, Websters
NOTE: Websters will close for business at 8pm tonight for finals, and we will hold class this week in the seating area near the stage.
2023.12.9 Sa The Winter Wonderland: A Yuletide Faerie Celebration
2023.12.6 W PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.12.5 Tu The Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.11.29 W PNO: Olde New York - REPRISE! Bonus round! 7-9pm
2023.11.28 Tu Runic Wheel - 7-9pm, CANCELED, starting this week for the indefinite future.
2023.11.21 Tu Keys of Magic: Judgement, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.11.15 W PNO: Olde New York 7-9pm
2023.11.14 Tu A*A (Astrologers Anonymous): Leo, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.11.12 Su Fellowship Gathering: Nature Walk & Lunch, 11am-2pm hike at Mt. Nittany, 2-4pm lunch at Duffy's Tavern. RSVP here.
2023.11.10 F Movie Night, 7-10pm, location disclosed upon RSVP
2023.11.07 Tu The Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.11.01 W PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.10.31 Tu No Runic Wheel this month (canceled due to conflict with local township observation of "Trick or Treat" night)
2023.10.21 Sa Samhain: Misa Espiritual, 7-11pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.10.20 F Fellowship Gathering: Santeria Night, 7-10pm, location upon RSVP
2023.10.18 W PNO: Primanti Bros (attempt deux) 7-9pm
2023.10.17 Tu Keys of Magic: The Sun, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.10.13 F "Spooky" themed Bardic Circle, 7-11pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.10.10 Tu A*A (Astrologers Anonymous): Cancer, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.10.04 W PNI 7-9pm, online - Canceled for this month.
2023.10.03 Tu The Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.09.26 Tu Gamlaleiðin aka Runic Wheel - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm.
2023.09.23 Sa
Pagan Pride: HVGW will host a table at Websters, noon-4pm
Fellowship Gathering: topic Internet cryptids and the creepy pasta effect (redux), 7-10pm, RSVP required (via https://forms.gle/RLHe5FBWy9U4szb88), location revealed upon RSVP
2023.09.20 W PNO: HiWay Pizza Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Bar Yallah Taco State College with Silver Circle, 7-9pm
2023.09.19 Tu Keys of Magic: The Moon, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.09.17 Su Boal Mansion Ren Faire - HVGW hosted a booth, 11am-6pm
2023.09.16 Sa Mabon 2023 The Grand Harvest! Ritual and Feast, please go to this page and RSVP to attend.
2023.09.12 Tu A*A (Astrologers Anonymous): Cancer POSTPONED TO OCT, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.09.06 W PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.09.05 Tu Introducing: The Bronze Ring, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.08.29 T Gamlaleiðin aka Runic Wheel
2023.08.27 Su Fellowship Gathering: topic Hallowing and Blessing, 3-4pm, Websters
2023.08.26 Sa Starseed Festival, 11am-5pm, Boalsburg Fire Company; for reference for our members
2023.08.16 W PNO: Gigi's Southern Table, 2080 Cato Ave, State College, PA 16801, 7-9pm
2023.08.15 Keys of Magic: The Star, 7-9pm, Websters
2023.08.08 T A*A (Astrologers Anonymous): Gemini, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.08.02 W PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.08.01 T Keys of Magic: The Star (tentative), 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.07.25 T Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm.
2023.07.23 Su Fellowship Gathering 3-4pm, Websters, Topic: TBD
2023.07.22 Sa Lammas Fest with Hills and Rivers CoG, 11am-5pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.07.19 W PNO: American Ale House, 821 Cricklewood Dr, State College, PA 16803, 7-9pm
2023.07.07 F CANCELLED Bardic Circle 7pm-11pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.06.17 Sa Midsummer 2023: Kupala!, 6-11pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.06.13 T A*A (Astrologers Anonymous) - topic: Taurus, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.06.10 Sa HVGW at State College Pride parade and festival
2023.06.09 F Bardic Circle 7pm-11pm, Rhoneymeade
2023.06.07 W PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.06.06 T Keys of Magic: Tower, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.05.30 23 Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm.
2023.05.28 21 Su Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This month's topic: Internet cryptids and the creepy pasta effect
NOTE: Moved ahead one week for this month only.2023.05.17 W PNO: 7-9pm, Olde New York
2023.05.09 T A*A (Astrologers Anonymous) - topic: start of series on Signs, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.05.16 T Keys of Magic: Keys in Magic: Court cards, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.05.06 Beltane 5pm-11pm, Rhoneymeade, RSVP and details
2023.05.05 Bardic Circle 7pm-11pm, Rhoneymeade (weather dependent) OR Movie Night 7:30-10pm, location disclosed upon RSVP Canceled to reserve for Beltane prep
2023.05.03 PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.05.02 Keys of Magic: Devil, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.04.25 Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm.
2023.04.23 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This month's topic: Hallowing and Blessing
2023.04.19 PNO: 7-9pm, India Pavilion
2023.04.18 Keys of Magic: Pisces Decans, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.04.16 Annual Members Meeting 2-4pm (this year on a Sunday), Harshbarger room - 104 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Penn State University Park Campus
2023.04.11 A*A (Astrologers Anonymous) - topic: Synnastry, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.04.09 HVGW's Sand Circle at Rhoneymeade Dig Day #2 (rain date), noon-6pm
2023.04.07 Movie Night: Penda's Fen, 7:30-9:30pm; email to rsvp and receive location (in State College area)
2023.04.05 PNI 7-9pm, online
2023.04.04 Keys of Magic: Temperance, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.04.02 HVGW's Sand Circle at Rhoneymeade Dig Day #2 (preferred date), noon-6pm
2023.03.28 Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm. RSVP: bit.ly/3TH0hYa
2023.03.26 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This month's topic: Appalachian folk magic.
2023.03.25 Ostara 2023 , 2:30-4:30pm, State College **RAIN LOCATION now in effect!** Please RSVP ASAP to receive the indoor location for Ostara.
2023.03.21 Keys of Magic: Aquarius Decans, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.03.15 POSTPONED: PNO: 7-9pm, India Pavilion, 222 E Calder Way, State College, PA
2023.03.14 A*A (Astrologers Anonymous) - topic: Aspects and configurations, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.03.14 (not previously announced) Astrologers Lounge 6-8pm, 118 Pasquerilla
2023.03.07 POSTPONED (due to illness) Keys of Magic: Temperance, 7:30-9pm, Websters
2023.03.01 PNI 7-9pm
2023.02.28 Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm.
2023.02.26 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This month's topic: Hallowing and Blessing.
2023.02.21 Keys of Magic: Capricorn Decans
2023.02.15 PNO: Little Szechuan
2023.02.14 A*A (Astrologers Anonymous) - topic: Houses
2023.02.07 Keys of Magic: Death
2023.02.04 Imbolc 2023 Disirblot, a midwinter celebration of the Norse Goddesses! Please RSVP by January 30th.
2023.02.01 PNI
2023.01.31 CANCELED this month! - Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm. RSVP for location at bit.ly/3TH0hYa
2023.01.22 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. - topic: Magical Uses of Water
2023.01.18 PNO: Kimchi Korean Restaurant
2023.01.17 Keys of Magic: Sagittarius Decans. Tue, Jan 17th, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.12.18 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. (Third Sunday this month only). Topic: Salt: History, Properties and Magical Uses
2022.12.17 Yule - Jólablót, 5-11pm, location upon RSVP, White Elephant, Norse Ritual, Feasting and Festivities
2022.12.13 A*A: Astrologers Anonymous. Tue, Dec 13, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! Topic: The Zodiac
2022.12.09 Movie Night: 7:30pm, Krampus, location to be disclosed upon RSVP (use email address above)
2022.12.07 PNI Pagan's Night In - Virtual meetings every first Wednesday 7-9pm. Link will be posted here at meeting time. Next PNI: Wed, November 2, 7pm – 9pm
2022.12.06 Keys of Magic: The Hanged Man. Tue, Dec 6th, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.11.29 Gamlaleiðin - An inclusive Norse Paganism study group for anyone with interest in the ways and magic of Norse Paganism! Meets on the last Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm (first meeting is Nov 2022). RSVP for location at bit.ly/3TH0hYa
2022.11.27 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College.
2022.11.16 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wed, October 19, 7pm – 9pm. Location: Cafe Alina, 421 E Calder Way, State College, PA 16801.
2022.11.15 Keys of Magic: Scorpio Decans, 4-6 of Cups. Tue, Nov 15, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College Online-only this week due to inclement weather. RSVP via the contact email or FB event if you want to join. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.11.08 A*A: Astrologers Anonymous. Tue, Nov 8, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all!
2022.11.02 PNI Pagan's Night In - Virtual meetings every first Wednesday 7-9pm. Link will be posted here at meeting time. Next PNI: Wed, November 2, 7pm – 9pm
2022.11.01 Keys of Magic: Justice. Tue, Nov 1st, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.10.23 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This months Fellowship Gathering topic: The Nine Worlds
2022.10.22 4-11pm Samhain at Rhoneymeade
2022.10.19 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wed, October 19, 7pm – 9pm. Location: Titan Hollow, 2O42, Axemann Rd Suite 179, Bellefonte, PA 16823
2022.10.18 Keys of Magic: Libra Decans, 2-4 swords. Tue, October 18, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.10.11 A*A: Astrologers Anonymous. Tue, October 11, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! Also on google meet: meet.google.com/jzf-jrjr-epz (first event of this series)
2022.10.09 Boalsburg Renaissance Faire [ see Boal Museum Events ] - HVGW will host a booth in the Artisan's Village
2022.09.25 Fellowship Gathering - Low-key hangout with HVGW members. Come get the report on our progress and enjoy our social topic. 3:00 - 4:00 at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. This months Fellowship Gathering topic: The Hex Signs of the Pennsylvania Dutch
2022.09.21 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wednesday, Sept 21, 7:00-9:00pm. Location: Hiway Pizza, 340 E. College Ave, State College.
2022.09.20 Keys of Magic: Virgo Decans / 8-10 Pentacles. Tue, Sept 20, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.09.17 Mabon 2022 and Bardic Circle September 17, 6:00 pm-11:00 pm. Location: HVGW's sand circle fire pit at Rhoneymeade Arboretum, 177 Rimmey Rd, Centre Hall, PA 16828.
2022.09.07 PNI Pagan's Night In - Virtual meetings every first Wednesday 7-9pm. Next PNI is Wednesday, Sept 7th at 7:00 pm. Link will be posted here at meeting time.
2022.09.06 Keys of Magic: The Hermit. Tue, Sept 6th, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.08.28 HVGW Fellowship Gathering every 4th Sunday from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College.
2022.08.27 Lughnasadh 2022 Sat, August 27, 1pm – 8pm. Where: Disclosed upon RSVP Description: Hail and well met! We will be celebrating Lughnasadh with a modern convening of the ancient Aonach Tailteann, the Fair of Tailtiu that was held each year in Gaelic Ireland. Join us for games, ritual, feasting, and fun to celebrate the harvest! https://www.happyvalleygoldenwheel.org/holidays/2022/lughnasadh-2022
2022.08.20 Bardic Circle #2, Rhoneymeade, 7pm-midnight
2022.08.17 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wednesday, Aug 17, 7:00-9:00pm. Location: Governor's Pub, Bellefonte
2022.08.16 Keys of Magic: Leo Decans / 5-7 wands. Tue, Aug 16, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.08.03 PNI Pagan's Night In - Virtual meetings every first Wednesday 7-9pm. Next PNI is Wednesday, Aug 3 at 7:00 pm. Link will be posted here at meeting time.
2022.08.02 Keys of Magic: Strength. Tue, Aug 2, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.07.24, HVGW Fellowship Gathering every 4th Sunday from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Next Fellowship Gathering: Sunday, July 24
2022.07.20 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wednesday, July 20, 7:00. Location: Lupita's of milesburg, 200-1 Mill St, Milesburg, PA 16853.
2022.07.19 POSTPONED (UNTIL 2022.08.16 Aug 16) Keys of Magic: Leo Decans / 5-7 wands. Tue, Jul 19, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.07.06 PNI Pagan's Night In - Virtual meetings every first Wednesday 7-9pm. Next PNI is Wednesday, July 6 at 7:00 pm. Link will be posted here at meeting time.
2022.07.05 Keys of Magic: The Chariot. Tue, July 5, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.07.01 Bardic Circle (First ever!) Fri, July 1, 7pm-midnight, at Rhoneymeade Arboretum & Sculpture Garden, 177 Rimmey Rd, Centre Hall, PA 16828
CANCELED: 2022.06.26 Monthly Fellowship Gathering every 4th Sunday from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Next Fellowship Gathering: Sunday July 24th. Hopefully we'll see you next month!
2022.06.21 Next class: The Keys of Magic: Cancer Decans/ 2-4 Cups. Tuesday Jun 21 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.06.15 PNO Pagan's Night Out - Monthly gathering at a local watering hole. Wednesday, Jun 15, at 7:00. Location: Gigi's Southern Table, 2080 Cato Ave, State College, PA 16801.
2022.06.12 Next Holiday: Summer Solstice Fest, Sunday, June 12, 10am-5pm at Rhoneymeade Arboretum and Sculpture Garden.
More about: The Sand Circle at Rhoneymeade
2022.06.07 (cancelled) The Keys of Magic: The Chariot. Tuesday Jun 7th at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic Class on this date is CANCELLED! Sorry we'll be back later on this month.
2022.05.22 (cancelled) Monthly Fellowship Gathering every 4th Sunday from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Next Fellowship Gathering: Sunday May 22nd CANCELLED (sorry; Websters is not available this date; see you in June).
2022.05.17 The Keys of Magic: 8,9,10 of Swords. Tue, May 17, at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at Websters Bookstore and Cafe in State College. Free and open to all! See this page for more information: Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic
2022.05.14 Beltaine Nocte: The Feast of Love. At Rhoneymeade, afternoon into the night. Quite an event!
2022.05.07 (postponed to 2022.05.14) Beltaine Nocte: The Feast of Love
As listed by category (with entries prior to 2022):
2019-Jan-12: New year, new website design (hope this looks better on mobile browsers ;-))
2019-Jan-13: General member meetings are currently on Hiatus in 2019
Dec 21, 2019, Yule, details
Imbolc: Sat, Feb 1, 2020, details
Ostara: Sat, Mar 21; details CANCELED
Beltane: HVGW local event canceled. Instead, join us and Stone Circle Council for a virtual Beltane May 1-3.
Midsummer: Only held this year as a small event with drummers in State College on June 21, 2020
Lammas Fest with Hills and Rivers: Sat, Jul 25, 2020 POSTPONED to summer 2021
Yule - Friday December 17th. See our Yule 2021 page for details.
Moon Services:
Feb 8, 2020, 8-10pm, CANCELED
Mon, Mar 9, details
Further moon services postponed for the time being.
Pagan's Night Out - 3rd Wednesdays 7-9pm at a local State College restaurant, rotated each month
[ 2019 ] Jan 16 - Tadashi @ new location 401 W College Ave relocated to John's Shanghai
Feb 27 - Faccia Luna (delayed 1 week due to weather)
Mar 20 - Rey Azteca
Apr 17 - Happy Valley Brewing Company
May 15 - Gigi's Southern Table
Jun 19 - American Ale House
Jul 17 - The Field Burger & Tap
Aug 21 - Liberty Craft House
Sep 18 - Home Delivery Pizza
Oct 16 - Hiway Pizza, 340 E College Ave
Nov 20 - Olde New York
Dec 18 - Spats at the Grill (formerly Allen Street Grill)
Jan 15, 2020 - Duffy's Tavern, 113 E Main St, Boalsburg
Feb 19 - Hiway Pizza 340 E College Ave
Mar 18 - Federal Taphouse - CANCELED (see COVID-19 response)
Future PNOs are canceled for the foreseeable future; instead we will be hosting virtual meetings called "Pagan's Night In", starting with April 15
Class Series 1: The Keys of Magic - Starting Sep 13, 2018, every 2nd and 4th Thursday at Websters in State College, 7-8:30pm; Starting June 11, 2019, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday (also at Websters) at 7:30-9pm
Jan 10, 2019: Key 8 - Websters
Jan 24: Key 9 - Websters - POSTPONED 1 week due to inclement weather
Jan 31: Key 9 - Websters
Feb 14: Key 10 - Alternate location
Feb 28: Key 11 - Websters
Mar 14: Key 12 - Websters
Mar 28: Key 13 - Websters
Apr 11: Key 14 - Websters
Apr 25: (At 8-9:30pm, one time only) LRP - Websters
May 23: Key 15 - Websters (NOTE: Qabalistic Psychology will be postponed until later)
Jun 11: Key 16 - Websters (NOW MOVING TO TUESDAY and 7:30-9pm)
Jun 25: Key 17 - Websters
Jul 9: No class
Jul 23: Key 18 - Websters
Aug 13: Key 19 - Websters
Aug 27: Key 20 - Websters Postponed
Sep 10: Key 20 - Websters
Sep 24: Key 21 - Websters
Oct 8: Key 0 - Websters
Oct 22: Four ACEs - Websters
Nov 12: Key 1 - Websters
Dec 10: Decanates 4 Kings - Websters
Jan 14, 2020, Key 2 - Websters
Jan 28, 4 Queens - Websters
Feb 11, Key 3 - Websters
Feb 25, 4 Knights - Websters
Mar 10, Key 4, Emperor - Websters - CANCELED: Sorry to cancel last minute. Websters will not be open tonight for the length of the class.
Mar 24, Emperor - Websters
Apr 14, 4 Pages - Websters
Apr 28, Key 5, Hierophant - Websters
More to be scheduled later POSTPONED until 2021
Sep 7, 2021, Fool
Sep 21, Aces
Oct 5, Magician
Oct 19, Kings
Nov 16, Queens
Dec 7, The High Priestess
Apr 6, 2019
Sat, Apr 17, 2021, 2-4pm, Patton Township Building
Quarterly Open Board Meetings, Saturday 2-4pm at Patton Township Building:
Jul 20, 2019