The Happy Valley Golden Wheel board of directors has been observing recent news about the Novel (new) Coronavirus of 2019 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: SARS-CoV-2) and its disease (COronaVIrus Disease 2019: COVID-19) from the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, National, State and local authorities and have been preparing contingency plans for upcoming events.

The following changes have been enacted:

  • The March PNO for Wed, 18, 2020 has been canceled. Use of the Federal Taphouse location will be postponed until the next indoor PNO we hold.

  • In the place of PNOs, we will host virtual meetings over Google Hangouts called "Pagan's Night In".

  • The Ostara event will no longer include an indoor after meal nor alternate indoor location for inclement weather. We ask that participants only attend if they are showing no signs of illness and also maintain a minimum 6' distance from members outside of their household. Depending on updated guidance from public health officials, we may cancel as well has been canceled.

  • The Beltane event has also been canceled, however, we'll be joining the Stone Circle Council in hosting a virtual Beltane celebration (details to be posted on the homepage).

  • Keys of Magic will no longer be held at Websters for the immediate future.

  • Moon Services are temporarily postponed.

  • The April 18, 2020 Members Meeting will be held virtually over Google Hangout.

  • Other events may be impacted as the situation progresses.

  • Stay tuned to the website news, calendar, email mailing list of facebook for updates.

Starting in June 2021, with HVGW organizers vaccinated, some small events may be again held in person. Please consider attending only once vaccinated for your and other's safety.