Ostara 2020
Date: Mar 21, 2020
Time: 3-5pm
Update 2020-03-20: Ostara has been canceled. Please be safe.
Location: Scotia Woods trails off of Sleepy Hollow Drive, State College, PA.
HVGW will be celebrating the arrival of spring with a meditative hike on the Scotia Woods trails to reconnect with the Earth as she comes out of her winter rest. On the way we'll perform a mobile ceremony dedicated to the Goddesses of spring in the Norse pantheon, Eostre and Idunna. Gathering time is at 3:00 with the hike to begin at 3:30 and lasting about one hour with ritual time included. The gathering location will be the parking area at the trailhead off of Sleepy Hollow Drive (40.785022, -77.914636; see photo below). In case of inclement weather the ceremony will be moved indoors canceled so to practice proper social distancing in the wake of COVID-19 and guidance from public health officials (we expect fewer than 50 people at this event); depending on the advance of the disease, we may still cancel this event, so please watch for updates on our website and Facebook page. Please bring appropriate footwear, outerwear and any aids to hiking you like. Dogs and humans of all ages are welcome on this hike. We ask that attendees maintain 6' minimum distance from others not in your own household during the hike. After the hike, we will go out for a feast at a local restaurant TBD bid you a fond farewell from 6' feet distance.
Please RSVP at happyvalleygoldenwheel at gmail dot com or on our Facebook page by March 14th.