Mabon 2021
Whoops! Did you mean to reach our upcoming Samhain event page? Some of our flyers had the wrong QR code. Sorry about that! Keep reading below if you mean to read about our amazing Mabon celebration that has already happened.
Mabon Feast 2019
Schedule of Events
6:00 Gathering and Happy Hour with snacks
7:00 Bonfire Gathering
7:30 Mabon Ritual
8:00 Pagan Thanksgiving Feast (moved to after ritual)
9:00 Social Time!
Mabon Potluck and Community Ritual!
Welcome to our Mabon page! Here we will have all the need-to-know information for our event, including how to RSVP.
Date: Friday September 24th 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Please note: ALL eligible ATTENDEES MUST BE VACCINATED including children. If you have any symptoms of illness please do not attend. Update 2021-09-21: a few people not yet fully vaccinated may attend given that:
They are not currently eligible for the vaccine, including children under the age of 12
Said people remain masked at all times except for when they are eating; socially distant outdoor eating spaces will be available
Said people should remain outside except for visits to the rest room
This is weather contingent
This event will be held rain or shine. Ideally we will be outdoors for most of the evening. If weather is inclement, we will hold all festivities indoors, in which case we will ask that attendees wear a mask while not eating or drinking.
Potluck details: The house will provide the main course for the dinner which will likely be a harvest root stew with meat and vegetarian /vegan options. If you have special dietary needs, we ask that you inform us and ideally bring a dish that you can eat. We will do our best to accommodate dietary preferences. We ask that you plan to bring back any leftovers of what you bring.
There will be alcohol present for those of age. BYOB is fine. We expect all attendees to monitor their intake and make responsible decisions.
There will be plenty of street parking available.
No dogs please, as there are cats present at the location. Also FYI for those who have allergies.
If you have mobility issues please let us know on the RSVP and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
We are having a FOOD DRIVE for the State College food bank, so please bring non-perishable non-expired items to donate. See for what to bring.
Location will be provided on RSVP. Please RSVP via email at by Wednesday September 22nd. Provide the following information with your RSVP: Names of those who will attend and what you are bringing for the potluck, including any dietary restrictions. We will assume a vaccinated status for all attendees.