
Quarterly Open Board Meeting 

Date: Sat, Jan 18, 2020

Time: 2-4pm

Location: Patton Township Building

This is a quarterly open board meeting presented by the leadership of Happy Valley Golden Wheel. At these meetings the board will present issues to the members of the group and solicit for feedback, including such things as upcoming bylaws and policy changes, event schedule for the year ahead and committee reports. The board will vote on issues that require a vote. Anyone may attend and become a member of HVGW for only $20 per year (cash preferred, check acceptable). 

Agenda items:

- Progress towards 501c3, update and timeline

- Treasurer report

- Solicitation for 2020 memberships

- Upcoming events

- Solicitation for volunteerism: for helping run events, build spaces, flyering, etc.

- Open nominations for new officers for April elections

- Pagan choir kickoff