Olde Europe Festival
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Boal Mansion, Boalsburg
Event: Olde Europe Festival and Renaissance Faire
The Happy Valley Golden Wheel will be at the Olde Europe Festival at Boal Mansion! We will be focusing on German folklore and traditions with focus on the Pennsylvania Dutch Hex paintings. At 4:00 we will be doing a small ritual to honor the land spirits at the Faerie Shrine near the bonfire area with offerings and celebration. HVGW will be making stone soup the old fashioned way (in a cauldron over a fire) with fresh baked bread for sale at the event. All proceeds go to fund HVGW events. Come join us for a day full of good food, good company and lots of magic!