Samhain 2022




Bonfire (if weather permits)


Samhain 2022

Welcome to our Samhain page! Here we will have all the need-to-know information for our event. Details on this event are forthcoming. Save the date!

Date:  Saturday October 22, 2022

Location: Rhoneymeade Arboretum and Sculpture Park

Time: 4-11pm


Notes and FYIs - Please Read!


Parking is free and available at the site of the event. 

Rides can be arranged for local folks! If you need a ride please let us know ASAP.  


Port a Johns are available on site. 


Please sign in at the Greeter's Table when you arrive. This area will be clearly marked for your convenience. 


Participants may bring a dish to share. Please include a label detailing the ingredients of your dish if you choose to bring one. This event is BYOB. Alcohol will be present on site for those who are of age. We expect all who partake to make responsible decisions.

The Ritual

Welcome to the Festival of Souls!

Samhain is the time to honor our ancestors and the spirits of the land. This eclectic ritual will feature a mystery walkabout as we gather up the spirits of the land, and then commune with our own ancestors. We encourage all participants to wear a mask and/or costume to this event in the pagan custom of guising. Bring a offering of food or drink for you loved ones to put on our altar for the ancestors, and we will add it to sacrifice at the bonfire after the walkabout. You may also bring a sacred item from one of your beloved dead to put on the altar (this will not be sacrificed). Drumming and dancing will begin afterwards in the Sand Circle as we celebrate with the spirits on Samhain Night!

The Bardic Circle

Bardic Circle is a monthly event which celebrates the old magic of humans gathering around the fire to share their lore. Whatever you practice, perform or study, you can bring it for show-and-tell at the Bardic Circle. Sing a song, read a poem, lead a mini-ritual, perform a dance or tell a tale - all respectful offerings are accepted! Or just come to just sit a spell with like-minded people around the sacred bonfire for a night. Bardic Circle will be moved indoors in case of inclement weather, however we highly recommend you dress appropriately and bring your own chair, as we have limited seating available at the circle. 

The Rhoneymeade Sand Circle

We host Bardic Circle and other events at the sand circle created by HVGW in 2019. The circle needs funding and volunteers to keep growing, so please consider supporting this project! See our GoFundMe page at to help buy the sand needed for the next expansion. We will also be hosting another volunteer day this autumn to get the new sand in place, so if you are interested in helping that way please stay tuned for more information!

Other FYIs:

Please RSVP via email at  by October 16th. Provide the following information with your RSVP: Names of those who will attend and what if anything you are bringing for the meal.  Also indicate if you are looking for a ride and where you need to be picked up and dropped off.