Meet Your Teachers

Collin W. (He/Him/His)

Collin is the co-teacher of Bronze Ring. He is a Norse and Slavic focused ADF Druid and Grove organizer for hemlock Vales Protogrove, ADF. He is experienced in the lore, myths, symbols, archaeology of Northern Paganisms, and a regular ritual leader for Golden Wheel. He co-hosts the Crone's Porch Podcast with Ian Shick. 

Holly D. (She/Her/Hers)

Holly began her magical career when she joined Silver Circle of Penn State, one of the oldest college Pagan clubs in the country. She studied and practiced several spiritual paths before finding her calling in the Golden Dawn tradition, and in 2007 received initiation into Ordo Stella Matutina, one of the offshoot orders of the original Golden Dawn. Since then, she has practiced and taught many topics in the Western Esoteric Tradition through her work with the OSM and in her private classes which she has been running for over 20 years.